Royal Tannenbaum

Jonathan Gauthier has been learning, developing and working with web technologies since 2005. He has written several books on web technologies, including Web Security 101: Web Servers and Web Applications (published by O'Reilly Media) and Web Design 101: How to Build Successful Web Sites and Web Apps (published by O'Reilly Media).
Jonathan has co-authored and contributed to numerous open source and proprietary projects. Some of his work includes:
Web Security: LazyViews, Extarsys, HTML5 Socketing
Internet Applications: Particles, WEBP2, WebGL (wetware), JQuery
Web Development: Snaplogic, RealDOM, ExtenderJS
New Technology Development: CocoonJS, Zohar, PolyglotWeb
Other: 4D, Web Services Development Kit, Native Client, Native Browser Development Kit, XPCOM, Web Workers
Influences: Lazyview, Ionic, Ionic Mobile, IronBrowser, BrowserKit, LightPage.io
He loves writing, hackathons, nerding out, and the code behind them.
Notable Projects: Web Security 101, Web Development 101, Web Development 101 for Mobile (written for Windows Mobile), CocoonJS (part of the Web Application Bundle), Particles (JavaScript renderer for Eclipse), MDN API